Correspondence with M.C. Escher
This is the translation of Escher's letter, also found in Kurt's archives.
Van Heemstra Laan 28
Baarn (Holland)
Telephone 2926
Baarn, 17 september 1962.
Dear Mr. von Meier,
I am replying to your letter of 10th April only now because I have been ill for five months.
It is gratifying to know that you and Professor Forder are interested in my work from the point: relation mathematics - art. Time and time again I am surprised that this relation proves to be so strong, the more though because I never had a theoretic-mathematical~ training, except - long ago - as a student at a Dutch High School.
Especially Crystallographers are interested in my work. Just as an example: I was invited by the Unionof Crystallography to give a lecture with colour slides of my graphic prints during the International Congres of Crystallographers, being the only artist amongst 2,000 scientific participants. (August 1960, Cambridge England). That same year, in October, I was invited to give a similar lecture for the- M.I.T. in Cambridge, Mass. U.S.A.
What else would you like me to tell? Should you wish to have explanation on a few points, please write to me. The preface of the book "The Graphic Work •••••• " gives quite a lot of information.
Are you really interested in catalogue No. 118 of the StedelijIc Museum? I will Send you a copy by surface mail. Willing to give you any other information.
Yours faithfully,
(sgd) M. C. Escher.