mandala: mirror: reflections poster

This poster designed by Kurt's student Lori Lockamy for the mandala: exhibition was not the one ultimately used to promote the event, but it does include a number of interesting features:

  • The primary image employs an x-ray-like image of Kurt's heart generated from an echo-cardiogram. The outline of his left ventricle is shown, and towards the lower left of the image it says L.V.E.F. 60%, which was his left ventricle ejection fraction (percentage of volume pumped during systole or contraction).
  • The wire used to re-connect his sternum after his open-heart bypass surgery is visible as a series of hourglass-like forms.
  • The signature "Kurt von Meier" is not that of Kurt; rather it is Kurt's name written by Marcel Duchamp for Kurt during a Duchamp exhibition Kurt attended. 