Having received a letter during October, 1976, from James Keys (aka G. Spencer Brown, author of Laws of Form) in which Keys suggests he plans to move to California to take up residence, Kurt sent Keys a letter inviting him to the Diamond Sufi Ranch in Napa Valley. After noting the beauty and amenities of the area, Kurt goes on to describe his current work and interests. "I understand Laws of Form as the mathematical basis for the practical work of translating the teaching of the Dharma as preserved by the Vajrayana tradition of Buddhism, and based upon the Heart Sutra (Prajnaparamita Hridya Sutra)....Curious though, some of my questions about mathematics have led to citations from manuscripts apparently concerned with prediction and prognostication, said to be virtually unreadable or unintelligible save for the very few exceptional people. Sounds rather like the response of my students to Laws of Form."